■Social Implementation oriented research (long-term: up to 5 years)
Applied research is intended to be used in society. It contributes to the achievement of Society 5.0, such as improving the quality of life of Tokyo residents by presenting new lifestyles and providing social and public value.

Kazuyoshi Wada
Associate Professor
Micrologistics platform that delivers products “to everyone’s hands”
■Social Implementation oriented research (short-term: 2 to 3 years)
Applied research is expected to be used in society at an early stage. It contributes to enhancing the quality of life of Tokyo residents in the post-corona period, such as building a new daily routine in a post-corona society or providing a roadmap toward social transformation.

Ming Yang
A 5G environment IoT platform for digital transformation of stamping process
■Challenging Research
Basic research that contributes to the solution of future issues that are difficult for companies to deal with, and that could lead to the development or revolution of science and technology.

Naoyuki Kubota
Robot intelligence innovation Based on Local 5G